Grateful for The Gift of Vulnerability-“ the Shadow parts”
Author, Speaker, and Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Brene Brown describes the feeling of vulnerability as “that unstable feeling we get when we step out of our comfort zone or do something that forces us to loosen control.”
Personally speaking, I can experience needing to assert my control when I feel a need to be safe, a desire to be accepted, and appear as if “I have it all together”.
While this sometimes can be useful, living in a controlled state of being can lead to many states of exhaustion, burn out and less joyful and satisfying endeavors.
The “ shadow parts” of vulnerability can be where to the greater gifts and calling into myself arise. While the idea of making mistakes, dancing limbs flaying on the stage of life with toilet paper stuck to my shoe
(yes, this did happen)
Singing out loud, when you don’t know all the words
Speaking up for what you need AND deserve when no one else is asking
Choosing to show up and be present with your ideas, talents, desires while knowing you may be judged, laughed at, or even rejected, takes courage, grit AND is the gift of “ the shadow” of vulnerability.
When we chose to bring those scared shadow parts to the light, to give her an audience to CREATE whatever is calling within to be free-
This is when we can dance with
“ the shadow” and EMBRACE the truest sense of vulnerability- the gift 🎁
May all be blessed in the journey🩷