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Women's Workshop Series

Date-September 15, 2024

Time-12-3:45 pm

Location: Studio B-Evergreen, CO

"Second Spring"

Supportive Women’s Circle and Yoga Workshop


TOPIC-Menopause and Perimenopause Support

The Japanese refer to this as “ A Second Spring”

and word for menopause is ‘konenki’, which means ‘renewal’ and ‘energy’.



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Healing and Self Compassion Women's Circle 

Participants will explore and develop personalized ways to identify

-Ways nutrition and the foods we eat encourage hormone balance

-Supportive Movement to balance the nervous system 

-Develop tools to incorporate rest and mindfulness

-Heighten awareness to your own body’s natural cues and needs to cultivate compassion and a sense of renewal 

Yin Yoga & Sound Bowl Meditation

Participants will engage in restorative Yin  Yoga as well as be submersed in a guided sound bowl and vagal nerve restoration and grounding meditation 

Women's Workshop Series

January 19,2025

Time- 12:00-3:45

Location: Studio B Evergreen, CO

Renewal and Compassion 


Meditation and Yoga Workshop


TOPIC-Strategies for creating soulful renewal, compassion and joy in the midst of darkness and grief.


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Healing and Self Compassion Women's Circle 

Participants will explore and develop personalized supports through:

-Recognizing stages of burn out and grief and develop tools of self care and renewal


-Supportive Movement and breath work to balance the nervous system to optimize self compassion and internal balance





Yin Yoga, Sound Bowl and

Participants will engage in restorative Yin  Yoga as well as be submersed in a guided sound bowl and vagal nerve restoration and grounding meditation 

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